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Live Cinema Festival Logo 2019

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LCF 2019 – Rome, Italy

The four-day 2019 Live Cinema Festival, the world’s leading-edge live performance cinematic extravaganza, was held at the impressive Palazzo delle Exposizioni in central Rome, September 19 – 22.

The Festival featured 8 original, full-length, live audio visual performances created and presented by some of the most talented live cinema artists on the planet. The Festival presented two different performances per night, each roughly an hour in length, to sold-out audiences. Five of the performances were world premieres.

In addition, the Festival included live cinema related workshops, installations, screenings and a conference across the four days.

Photo, James Nevin: Purform, Yan Breauleux (Canada)

Kicking off each evening’s live performances was the AV installation premiere “Purform” by Canadian artist Yan Breauleux. Purform was a gorgeously produced, powerful work, a brooding yet sometimes humorous dialog between machine and man about the nature of artificial intelligence, cryptography, physics, morality and even Bill Gates.

LCF 2019 – Night #1 Live Performances

LCF 2019 – Night #2 Live Performances

LCF 2019 – Night #3 Live Performances

LCF 2019 – Night #4 Live Performances