LCF 2019 – Live Performance Night #4

DNE opened the evening live cinema performances with a deeply personal contemplation of the human body, water, light, nature and time.

Seated facing the audience, DNE played keyboards, sticks and sound effects in an evocative phrases of notes, chords and tones as visuals like dripping water on glass moved slowly through time.

Photo, James Nevin: Of Another, DNE (Czech Republic)

The Festival ended with a BANG! in the work “Quantum-ton” presented by the artist Tatsuru Arai of Japan.

If the virtuoso composer and pianist Franz Liszt were alive today, I can imagine him as Tatsuru Arai, creating and performing this amazing shower-blast of particle-like visuals and sonic frequencies. Something to behold.

Photo, James Nevin: Quantum-ton, Tatsuru Arai (Japan)